It’s amazing how long the simplest tasks take now that I have little Garrett. Today I wanted to clean out the trash and dust my car. These tasks usually takes me maybe 10 minutes, today, between Garrett and the dogs it took me just over an hour! The other thing that I have realized is how far in advance I now need to plan to get out the door. It never fails, I am all ready to head out the door and out of the blue have a dirty diaper to change, a shirt that has just been spit up on, and/or a bottle to make. Suddenly I am running 10 minutes late (yes I know these things should not take 10min but somehow when I am running behind they do). Ahhh!! Never the less I am determined to stay active and get out of my house, and I will never again pass judgment on moms running just a little tardy.
I was however delayed in leaving for bible study the other day because I got distracted by Garrett and Romeo taking a nap on the bed together. Here are some pictures I could not pass up the chance to take (even if it makes me late).
"A boy and his dog make a glorious pair, no better friendship is found anywhere..."
~Edgar Guest
March 24, 2011