Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Week!

It is Thanksgiving week and we are so excited to be welcoming Floyd, Laurel and Kaia to our new home! We will also be hosting two Airmen who cannot make it home for the holiday.

This last month has been a busy one. We are still making renovations to our house and Romeo grows more every day. We went to a wedding in AZ for one of Matthew's best friends from the Academy, Matthew was a groomsmen. The wedding was beautiful and it was so much fun to see friends and relax a bit.

We also decided that we will be going home to CO for Christmas! We are so excited! We are hoping to get in town around the 22nd or so.

We also know that change is around the corner, please be in prayer with us.

  • A friend of ours here in CA has just found out he will be deployed to the middle east in May of next year. Please pray that you will help prepare he and his wife for the time apart.
  • for a safe and clear drive to CO.
  • For my job search. It would be a huge blessing if I could get a job on base. Matthew and I only have one car and it would be wonderful if we could drive together.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Painting, A new job, and a new addition

Kathryn and I are really getting settled in to our home and making it our own. We're painting some walls right now to give our house a little more of a homey feel. Pictures will be coming soon!

I had a bit of a scare last week when I was told that I was not medically qualified to be a Space & Missiles operator. It was news to me! Apparently, I should have never been sent to Vandenberg because my medical waiver had disqualified me in March. But, the personnel office and the med group never communicated and here I am. I would have been eligible to begin training next October, but since I was already ere, they put a new waiver through and i am on schedule to start class in January.

In the meantime, I have a job as the executive officer in the base contracting squadron. That means I am direct support to the commander for whatever he needs to do his job. So far that's included reviewing paperwork, developing briefings, and schedulig appointments.

The bulk of our attention, however, has been devoted to our newest family member. Romeo is a black lab puppy, and he is as cute as can be! He turns 8 weeks on Tuesday, and we will have had him 2 weeks on Wednesday. He is a true puppy and loves chewing everything, but we are so happy to have him and can't wait to show him off to all of you soon!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here in Cali!

Matthew and I have finally made it to beautiful Vandenberg Air Force Base in California! Thank you so much for all your prayers! Two days after we got here, we were put into a wonderful house on base which is a huge blessing as we only have one car. Our belongings arrived safely on Friday and we have been unpacking like crazy! Matthew has two weeks off except for a few meetings so he can help unpack and get the house in order. We look forward to keeping you posted as we get settled and get into a routine.
Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually;
Give Thanks In All Circumstances,
For This Is God's Will For You In Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18