Matthew and I got back last week from a fantastic trip to my grandparents house in Sandpoint, ID. Matthew was so sweet to drive back and forth on the weekends to Idaho as he still had class during the week. We had so much fun spending time on Lake Pend Oreille playing on the jet skis, skipping rocks, and swimming. The best part was being able to spend time with my own immediate family as well as uncles, aunts, cousins, and close friends of the family. I was also lucky enough to spend my 22nd birthday in Idaho and all the ladies in the house went out to a nice lunch and shopping! We were able to celebrate my birthday a little early having angel food cake (my favorite) and ice cream on the weekend so Matthew could take part. Another highlight of the trip was attending the Festival at Sandpoint. I was fortunate to be able to go to two different concerts this year at the festival. The first with my parents and my Aunt Molly, we saw Firefall and Pocco. The second was a double date with my parents to see Boz Skaggs.
We are feeling settled here in our house on Malmstrom AFB and we have been busy making it feel like home. We have painted the walls, put up pictures, built a patio in back, put up the fence…twice, pulled out bushes, planted flowers, and we just finally bought a lawn mower (it has been brought to our attention that we should have gotten snow shovels instead). We are finally able to get into a routine as much as Matthew’s schedule will allow. Looking to the future we are excited for football and soccer seasons, as well as our upcoming trip the beginning of September. We will be traveling to Colorado to pick up our snowboards and attend the Air Force Academy Parents Weekend football game on Saturday. Sunday we head to Nebraska for the Ditson family reunion and back in Montana on Monday. It’s a lot of travel but well worth it.
Picture of our new house and the Festival at Sandpoint
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