Pictures to Come
Now back in MT we are playing catch up. Matthew had to go on alert the day after we got back (Tuesday) and we had youth group last night. We are doing the TO SAVE A LIFE youth study that goes with the movie and already we have ten more kids than normal at group. We are so excited to see how God works though these kids!
Prayer Request
When Matthew went into the office Tuesday, he had to give me a phone call from Col. Pappas. Apparently one of the ladies in Matthew’s squadron had a stroke this past weekend. She is now doing better, but due to complications she will be in the hospital for at least another ten days. Her reading and writing skills are for the moment gone and we don’t know yet what that will mean long term. Please be in pray for her and her husband through this tough time made harder because they have only been married two months. I am in the process of lining up meals for her family and seeing what else we can do to help.