Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A Baby Story
It is incredible that my little bundle of joy is going to be here in just three and a half months. As I watch the show A Baby Story, slight panic always sets in. I don’t know about this whole “labor” thing. As far as pain goes I can have a pretty high tolerance, but only when that pain is coming from a punch in the face or a kick to the stomach as my martial arts background has given me opportunity to experience. When the pain comes from cramps, a stubbed toe and the like, I am not so tough. Therefore, pain for hours on end, hooked up to machines and having a doctor “check me” every twenty minutes, only allowed to have ice chips as a consolation prize, not such a great image. Already I have my mind set on getting the wonderful sounding epidural, however, the thought that I will be in so much pain that a huge needle going into my back is a welcome sight does not give much comfort. My only encouragement comes from the fact that millions of women have been giving birth (many with no epidural) for thousands of years, and I have to be stronger and tougher then some of them, right? So, for now I suppose I will continue to watch A Baby Story convincing myself that I am going to handle labor like a champ and surely much better than the current mom on the show. :) I will also continue to watch babies be delivered and cry like it is my own for the next ten minutes. Oh the emotional ups and downs of pregnancy.
October 26, 2010