Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our Baby Boy

Although we did want to find out if we were having a boy or girl, Matthew and I decided we did not want to find out the gender of our baby in the actual ultrasound room.  We wanted to have a special moment just the two of us, unrushed and personal.  We did watch the rest of the ultrasound and had the screen turned off when they went “that way”.  We had the ultrasound tech put the gender of the baby in a card and we went out to dinner at a Mongolian BBQ restaurant called 3D. After we finished eating, we gave the sealed card to the waitress and asked her to please open the card and write what the gender of our baby was in Chocolate on the dessert plate.  She was very happy and excited to help. She had us close our eyes so we would both find out and the same time.  When we opened our eyes Voila! It’s a Boy!  Unfortunately we did not remember to bring our camera to the restaurant, but we did take some pictures with our cell phones. Enjoy! Also included are a couple of the ultra sound pictures of Ace  (that is what we have been calling the baby because we are not telling what name we are choosing and I don’t like calling Ace “it” or “the baby”)
October 30, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Baby Story

It is incredible that my little bundle of joy is going to be here in just three and a half months. As I watch the show A Baby Story, slight panic always sets in. I don’t know about this whole “labor” thing. As far as pain goes I can have a pretty high tolerance, but only when that pain is coming from a punch in the face or a kick to the stomach as my martial arts background has given me opportunity to experience. When the pain comes from cramps, a stubbed toe and the like, I am not so tough. Therefore, pain for hours on end, hooked up to machines and having a doctor “check me” every twenty minutes, only allowed to have ice chips as a consolation prize, not such a great image. Already I have my mind set on getting the wonderful sounding epidural, however, the thought that I will be in so much pain that a huge needle going into my back is a welcome sight does not give much comfort. My only encouragement comes from the fact that millions of women have been giving birth (many with no epidural) for thousands of years, and I have to be stronger and tougher then some of them, right? So, for now I suppose I will continue to watch A Baby Story convincing myself that I am going to handle labor like a champ and surely much better than the current mom on the show. :) I will also continue to watch babies be delivered and cry like it is my own for the next ten minutes. Oh the emotional ups and downs of pregnancy.

 October 26, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Everything's Changing...

Here we are in October and I have not updated our blog in months!  I am sorry dear friends; I think I got overwhelmed with so many great things happening this summer.  It is now fall: our younger sisters are happily married, both with amazing husbands and incredible, beautiful wedding days to take with them into the bright and shining future.   

As for Matthew and me?  June 3, 2010, we found out we are expecting our first baby, due February 6, 2011, Super Bowl Sunday of course, (what a perfect baby alreadyJ)!  Furthermore, we just found out on September 28 that we are going to have a BOY!  I am still trying to get my head around this because I was positive it was a girl. Oops!  We are beyond  thrilled with the news that we are going to have a son as our firstborn, and I can’t wait to start picking out little football jerseys and decorating the nursery (don’t worry, I don’t think I am going to go with a sports theme).  This will be made a lot easier due to the fact that we now actually have a nursery.  Just four weeks ago, we were offered one of the brand new houses on base!  This is a huge answer to prayer as the old house had a mold problem (and it was old) that was making my allergies go crazy on top of having super bad morning (all day) sickness.  We found out on Friday and by Monday night we were all moved in! Matthew was Super Man!!  He basically moved the whole house by himself while I was asleep on our new carpet sick as a dog with a horrible cold that had me going through, no joke, four boxes of Kleenex a day. YUCK!   We love our new house!   Life is great.  I have now been sickness free for over three weeks and can enjoy getting ready for our little boy. Matthew’s work schedule has slowed down a bit, the dogs are happy and healthy, and I am hoping that now things are “normal” I will be able to keep up with blogging too! Until then, ta ta for now.
Below are some pictures for your enjoyment

Be Joyful Always, Pray Continually;
Give Thanks In All Circumstances,
For This Is God's Will For You In Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18